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Heather Gillespie

Artist Bio & Statement

Artists Bio

Heather Gillespie is an impressionist landscape painter from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada.  During her youth, Heather studied fine art at the University of Manitoba.   She set painting aside while raising a family and working many years in healthcare.  Now retired, Heather has reconnected with her paint brush and devotes her time to refining her acrylic painting skills. She is a studio artist at Cre8ery Gallery & Studio in Winnipeg.


Artist's Statement

I paint trees and lakes, quite simply, because I must.  I feel absolutely drawn to them.  When I am creating art, I completely immerse myself within, and time stands absolutely still.  I find painting can be a physical process; especially on larger canvases.  Afterall, sometimes one has to dance in order to move the paint around with confidence!  My passion for bold colours and firm brush strokes are a means to show the viewer how passionately I have felt love for the environment while creating these scenes.  Most of my work is composed freely through my imagination.  Although sometimes this is mixed with memories of beautiful places that I have seen.   My subject is always something that I feel is uplifting and of that which I hope others will enjoy.

Samples of My Artwork

My contact info is at the top of this page, if you'd like to see more of my artwork.

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©2022 by Manitoba Society of Artists

Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada

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