MSA 91st Province-Wide OJCE
May 16 to August 31, 2023
IMPORTANT DATES: • Online Exhibition: “The Long List”, May 18 – August 31 • Eagleridge Gallery: “Short List & Award Winners”, June 1 – June 28 Special zoom events such as the "Jurors Lecture" and the "Award Recognition Evening" are free to the public

Time & Location
May 16 to August 31, 2023
About the event
Manitoba Society of Artists Announces 91st Province-Wide Open Juried Competition and
Exhibition (OJCE)
The OJCE is an annual event of the artist community which provides an opportunity for all
Manitobans to participate in a juried competition where They compete for exhibit space and recognition. Participants enter up to three works for selection by an independent jury.
All Manitoba art makers over 16 are welcome to enter submissions. Submissions are accepted
online beginning March 10th and deadline for entry is May 5. MSA provides a helpdesk for artists
who require assistance to complete their digital entries. . Information on awards, jurors, Competition Rules and Conditions are available on the OJCE website
This is the 91st year the MSA is offering the OJCE to art makers in Manitoba. The jury will select 12 awards for special recognition. These are described on the website. e.g. Two new awards have been added recently: "Jean Wiens Award for 1st time entering OJCE competition” and the “Bev Morton / Wayne Arthur award for mixed media”.
Manitoba Society of Artists (M.S.A) is pleased to announce that this year's Open Juried Competition & Exhibition (OJCE2023 will be held as a HYBRID show,
The online show will run from May 18 to August 31 on its own website.
All entries (the longlist) will be exhibited for the entire length of the show,and the shortlist of
selected works will be exhibited at the Eagleridge gallery in Winnipeg June 1-28
Special zoom events such as the "Jurors Lecture" and the "Award Recognition Evening" are free
and open to the public. For more information, see website .
The past three online shows have attracted more than 28,000 visitors.
There are no admission charges to the Gallery to view the selected works, and a free catalog of
the exhibit is provided, with information about the works, the awards, the jurors, and the Manitoba